
Contamos con un único negocio integrado con presencia directa en los principales mercados de Europa, Australia y Nueva Zelanda, cubriendo todos los territorios.

Norgine tiene su sede central en Países Bajos. Posee una planta de I+D en Hengoed, Gales y dos centros de fabricación, en Hengoed, Gales y Dreux, Francia.

En España puedes contactarnos en el teléfono: +34 91 375 8870


Norgine de España S.L.U

Paseo de la Castellana, 91, 2ªPlanta 28046 Madrid (España)



Corporate headquarters
Norgine offices
Factory and development

Merus Labs Luxco I
S.à r.L
Merus Labs Luxco II
S.à r.L

Postal address:

Merus Labs Luxco I S.à r.L
Merus Labs Luxco II S.à r.L
26-28, rue Edward Steichen
L-2540 Luxembourg

Merus Branch
7 Sentier du Bricherhof
L-1262 Luxembourg-Weimershof

Arc Medical Design Limited

Arc Medical Design Limited
Telephone: 0113 242 0131
Postal address:

Arc Medical Design Limited
First Floor
43 Park Place
United Kingdom

Norgine B.V. holds 70% of the shares in Arc Medical Design Limited

Norgine Farmacêutical Unipessoal Lda,

Lisbon - Portugal
Telephone: +351 218952735
Fax: +351 218956073
Postal address:

Norgine Farmacêutical Unipessoal Lda,
Edifício Smart
Rua do Pólo Norte e Alameda dos Oceanos,
Lote1.06.1.1 - Escritório 1C
Parque das Nações
1990-235 Lisboa

Delivery address:

Norgine Farmacêutical Unipessoal Lda,
Edifício Smart
Rua do Pólo Norte e Alameda dos Oceanos,
Lote1.06.1.1 - Escritório 1C
Parque das Nações
1990-235 Lisboa

Norgine de Espana S.L.U

Madrid - Spain
Telephone: +34 91 375 8870
Fax: +34 91 375 0155
Postal address:

Norgine de Espana S.L.U
C/ Julián Camarillo nº 21B, 4ª planta.
28037 Madrid

SpePharm AG

Telephone: +41 61 461 0868
Fax: +41 61 461 0875
Postal address:

SpePharm AG
c/o Dr. iur. Adrian von Segesser
Kapellplatz 1
6004 Luzern

Merus Labs Swissco Service AG
Dreikönigstrasse 31A
8002 Zürich

Norgine Pharma GmbH

Vienna - Austria
Telephone: +43 1 817 81 20
Fax: Fax:+43 1 743 63 70
Postal address:

Norgine Pharma GmbH
Haidestraße 4
1110 Wien

Delivery address:

Norgine Pharma GmbH
Simmeringer Hauptstrasse 24
A - 1110 Vienna

Norgine Italia SRL

Milan - Italy
Telephone: +39 02 679 77211
Fax: +39 02 669 84375
Postal address:

Norgine Italia SRL
Via Fabio Filzi 25
20124 Milano

Norgine GmbH

Wettenberg - Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 641 98497 0
Fax: +49 (0) 641 33055908
Postal address:

Im Westpark 14
35435 Wettenberg

Delivery address:

Im Westpark 14
35435 Wettenberg

Norgine Danmark A/S

Copenhagen - Denmark
Telephone: +45 33 17 0400
Fax: +45 33 17 0401
Postal address:

Norgine Danmark A/S
Lyskaer 1, 3
2730 Herlev

Norgine Pharma - Dreux Factory

Dreux - France
Telephone: +33 2 37 38 52 00
Fax: +33 2 37 42 39 30
Postal address:

Norgine Pharma
29 rue Ethe Virton
Norgine Pharma
28109 Dreux Cedex

Norgine PTY Ltd

Sydney - Australia
Telephone: +61 2 8422 0800
Fax: +61 2 9972 7522
Postal address:

Norgine Pty Limited
3/14 Rodborough Road
Frenchs Forest
NSW 2086

Norgine B.V.

Amsterdam - Netherlands
Telephone: +31 20 567 0900
Fax: +31 20 567 0999
Postal address:

Norgine B.V.
Antonio Vivaldistraat 150
1083 HP Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Norgine SAS

Rueil - France
Telephone: +33 1 41 39 94 00
Fax: +33 1 41 39 94 01
Postal address:

Norgine SAS
2 rue Jacques Daguerre
Norgine Pharma
92565 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex

Delivery address:

Norgine Pharma
2 rue Jacques Daguerre
92500 Rueil-Malmaison

Norgine NV/SA

Heverlee - Belgium
Telephone: +32 16 39 27 10
Fax: +32 16 39 27 20
Postal address:

Norgine NV/SA
Haasrode Research Park 1716
Romeinsestraat 10
B-3001 Heverlee

Norgine Ltd - Harefield

Harefield - England
Telephone: +44 1895 826600
Fax: + 44 1895 825 865
Postal address:

Norgine Ltd
Norgine House
Moorhall Road
United Kingdom

Norgine Ltd - Hengoed factory

Hengoed - Wales
Telephone: +44 1443 812183
Fax: +44 1443 816648
Postal address:

Norgine Ltd
7 Tir-y-Berth Industrial Estate
Norgine Ltd
CF82 8SJ
United Kingdom